Outstanding sports facilities score awards from ASBA

by Samantha Ashenhurst | December 7, 2017 3:57 pm

Activitas received Outstanding Multi-field Facility of the Year for Colby College Baseball & Softball Complex in Maine.
Photo © Activitas Inc.

This month, the American Sports Builders Association[2] (ASBA) announced winners of its annual awards program at a technical meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Attendance at the event hit an all-time high, with more than 600 industry members and 60 trade show exhibitors present.

In each category (i.e. track facilities, tennis courts, sports fields, and courts and recreation facilities), winners were recognized as exceptional with Bronze Awards, Silver Awards, or the title of Outstanding Facility of the Year, with additional divisions in some categories (e.g. the tennis category honors facilities in indoor, outdoor, and residential divisions). Projects were scored individually, based on considerations such as layout and design, site work, drainage, base construction, surface, amenities, innovation, and overall impression.

Medallion Athletics received Outstanding Indoor Track Facility of the Year for Clemson University Indoor Track in South Carolina.
Photo © Medallion Athletics Inc.

In the track division:

In the tennis division:

In the fields division:

Jaypro Sports received Outstanding Court and Recreation Facility of the Year for the Cape Girardeau Sportsplex in Missouri.
Photo © Jaypro Sports LLC

In the courts and recreation division:

To view a complete list of honorees, click here[21].

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Colby-College_Activitas.jpg
  2. American Sports Builders Association: http://www.ustctba.org/
  3. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Clemson-Univ_Medallion-Athletics.jpg
  4. Cape and Island Tennis & Track: http://www.tennisandtrack.com/
  5. Medallion Athletics: http://www.medallionathletics.com/
  6. Fisher Tracks: http://www.fishertracks.com/
  7. Sasaki Associates: http://www.sasaki.com/
  8. Fast-Dry Courts: http://fast-dry.com/
  9. GMB Architecture + Engineering: http://www.gmb.com/
  10. McConnell & Associates: https://mcconnellassociates.org/
  11. Pro-Sport Construction: http://www.prosporttennis.com/
  12. SCG Fields: http://scgfields.com/
  13. Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architecture & Planning: http://www.cameronmccarthy.com/
  14. Stantec Sport Group: https://www.stantec.com/en/markets/sports-recreation/action-sports
  15. Activitas: http://activitas.com/
  16. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Cape-Girardeau_Jaypro-Sports-LLC.jpg
  17. Jaypro Sports: http://jayprosports.com/
  18. Hinding Tennis Courts: https://www.hindingtennis.com/
  19. General Acrylics: http://www.generalacrylics.com/
  20. Boston Tennis Court Construction Co.: http://www.bostontenniscourt.com/
  21. here: https://www.sportsbuilders.org/

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/outstanding-sports-facilities-score-awards-asba/