Portland university campus pays homage to local architecture

by tanya_martins | October 23, 2024 1:29 pm

The new campus will feature a 22,761 m2 (245,000 sf) Alfond Center dedicated to learning, research, and collaboration. Image courtesy CambridgeSeven

Construction on the $500-million Roux Institute at Northeastern University’s new permanent campus in Portland began last month. The materials in this project reflect Portland’s local industrial landscape and include granite, brick, copper, wood, and glass.

The university will house computational academic spaces, life science labs, and advanced active-learning classrooms organized around a gathering space called “The Portal.”

It will also feature a 22,761 m2 (245,000 sf) Alfond Center dedicated to learning, research, and collaboration. Inspired by Maine’s Bailey Island Bridge, the center reflects key characteristics of the bridge, with a curvilinear form, both horizontally and vertically. The design’s form extends around the peninsula and rises at the center towards The Portal, which bridges the central circulation and gathering space.

The lower volume will comprise a mix of granite and glass, while the upper volume will transition to a facade of copper metal panels and glass.

Additionally, the 5,388 m2 (58,000 sf) “Bean” building will undergo major rehabilitation.

Other project features include a new parking garage, an adjacent childcare center, a public green space, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and a publicly accessible pier on the shores of Casco Bay open to visitors and residents.

The project is estimated to be completed in late 2027 and will be undertaken by architecture firm CambridgeSeven.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/TM_RouxUniversity-1.jpg

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/portland-university-campus-pays-homage-to-local-architecture/