Prescription for Energy Savings: Reducing cost and consumption with upgraded cooling tower fans

Nearly $400 billion is spent annually to power buildings, with about half on commercial and industrial facilities. Reducing energy waste in these buildings will save billions every year. Photo © BigStockPhoto/HuYing

There is a wide range of energy-efficiency measures that qualify for HEEP incentives, including those associated with:

  • lighting;
  • HVAC;
  • variable speed drives;
  • motors;
  • chillers;
  • kitchen hoods;
  • occupancy sensors; and
  • energy management systems.

This is just one example of the countless incentive and rebate programs available to healthcare organizations to help in the investment of energy-efficient equipment that will lessen energy consumption and costs.

Cheryl Higgins is product marketing manager with Leeson Electric, a manufacturer of electric motors, mechanical and electrical motion controls, and power generation products serving markets throughout the world. She has more than 30 years of industry experience managing technical and applications teams. Higgins can be contacted by e-mail at

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2 comments on “Prescription for Energy Savings: Reducing cost and consumption with upgraded cooling tower fans”

  1. Thanks for sharing this advice on having the cooling tower fans replaced to make the transfer of energy more efficient. I had no idea that changing the fan could even have such a huge effect even though they are a simpler mechanic of the tower. Plus, if the replacement fans are efficient enough to reduce costs, then I think it is worth it to at least investigate that option.

  2. Thank you for all of the helpful information you give about cutting costs on energy and cooling. That being said, you talk about how using an electric motor for cooling towers runs the blades a low speed, which allows them to move large flow rates at a low pressure. This seems like a really easy and simple way to reduce costs and keep airflow efficient.

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