Ultra-Lath PLUS®
Ultra-Lath Plus®
Rustproof Plastic Lath from Plastic Components
Plastic Components manufactures PVC products that deliver a rustproof, moisture-resistant installation. Better than metal, these products provide proven compliance with ASTM and other code agencies, while saving time and money. Other advantages of PVC include no corrosion, light weight, UV resistance and compatibility with cement-based products.
Plastic Components’ heavy-duty ULTRA-LATH PLUS® is the non-rusting alternative to galvanized metal lath. It’s 1/4" self-furred for positive keying of stucco, lowers installed costs, and handles and cuts easily. Made with polyethylene, ULTRA-LATH PLUS is also safe to handle.
ULTRA-LATH PLUS plastic lath complies with Florida Building Code and Metro Dade County’s HVHZ
requirements for Impact and Cyclic performance. *When installed in a
three-coat stucco system per IAPMO UEL-5046.
Along with its existing certifications… compliance with ASTM, approval for vertical and HORIZONTAL applications, third-party IAPMO certification – and passing NFPA 285 Fire Tests – compliance with FBC and Miami-Dade County makes ULTRA-LATH PLUS the solution for corrosion resistance in 3-coat stucco systems.
Other applications include interior or
exterior stone veneer and three-dimensional hardscape projects. Available in
sheets (with and w/o paper backing), rolls and
Strip Lath Plus™ strips of lath.

Ultra-Lath PLUS®
Ultra-Lath Plus®
Rustproof Plastic Lath from Plastic Components
Plastic Components manufactures PVC products that deliver a rustproof, moisture-resistant installation. Better than metal, these products provide proven compliance with ASTM and other code agencies, while saving time and money. Other advantages of PVC include no corrosion, light weight, UV resistance and compatibility with cement-based products.
Plastic Components’ heavy-duty ULTRA-LATH PLUS® is the non-rusting alternative to galvanized metal lath. It’s 1/4" self-furred for positive keying of stucco, lowers installed costs, and handles and cuts easily. Made with polyethylene, ULTRA-LATH PLUS is also safe to handle.
ULTRA-LATH PLUS plastic lath complies with Florida Building Code and Metro Dade County’s HVHZ
requirements for Impact and Cyclic performance. *When installed in a
three-coat stucco system per IAPMO UEL-5046.
Along with its existing certifications… compliance with ASTM, approval for vertical and HORIZONTAL applications, third-party IAPMO certification – and passing NFPA 285 Fire Tests – compliance with FBC and Miami-Dade County makes ULTRA-LATH PLUS the solution for corrosion resistance in 3-coat stucco systems.
Other applications include interior or
exterior stone veneer and three-dimensional hardscape projects. Available in
sheets (with and w/o paper backing), rolls and
Strip Lath Plus™ strips of lath.
Additional Information
Plastic Components' Lath productsFire Test
All information listed in this section was submitted by the respective companies. Kenilworth Media Inc. and CSI cannot assume responsibility for errors of relevance, fact or omission.