Reflecting on 25 years with CSI

by Katie Daniel | September 26, 2016 10:12 am

This year marks my 25th anniversary with CSI. I originally joined the Los Angeles Chapter as a tile and stone manufacturer’s representative in 1991 after being transferred out to California from Georgia. Everyone, professional and industry members alike, were most welcoming to a youngster fresh out of college. I quickly learned the role of a professional construction product representative from seasoned chapter members. The point was made repeatedly—volunteering leads to involvement, which leads to relationships, which leads to a reputation in the design/construction industry.

In the late ’90s, I was recruited to a competitor and relocated to Ohio where I joined the Dayton Chapter. Ohio had it figured out—the Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus Chapters all met in three consecutive days so product reps could attend all three meetings in a single trip. Two years later, my company moved to Maryland where I met the Baltimore Chapter. Each new Chapter led to new relationships and ever-broadening experiences. In the early 2000s, I was recruited back to the original company as an architectural rep, and I moved back to Georgia where I joined the Atlanta Chapter.

This article’s author working with Tony Riddle, RA, CSI, CCS, CCCA, LEED AP – a senior specification writer at HOK. The photo represents the foundation of CSI principles of working together for the betterment of the built environment.

Atlanta is my hometown and home CSI Chapter; I’ve been a member for 16 years, 10 of which as Certification Chair. Through CSI, I’ve developed relationships across the Southeast, leading to a regular influx of calls and e-mails requesting assistance on tile installation projects. I’ve collaborated with virtually every technical committee and standards development group in the tile industry, and I have worked hard to remain on the cutting edge of product development, installation methods, specification language, and failure investigation. I try to be a trusted resource and share my knowledge.

While I have visited other chapters from time to time, I could never get to all of them, and certainly not on a regular basis. This year, to mark my 25th anniversary, my company is supporting me in joining all 21 chapters in my seven-state territory. I am currently in the middle of a pilgrimage of sorts—visiting each chapter to deliver American Institute of Architects (AIA) programs on the evolution of tile installations over the past quarter-century.

Some chapters I have visited before, while others are completely new to me. The most rewarding part of these trips is reconnecting with design professionals I had met many years ago, but no longer see on a regular basis. I’ve also found that once you prove your worth, word gets around.

Today, I can scarcely keep up with what comes at me, unsolicited. My business is built on relationships and referrals—CSI is at the center of it all. This year, I pay homage to the organization where membership and fellowship have meant so much to me and my career. Here’s to another 25 years.

Chip O’Rear, CSI, CCPR, CTC, CCSMTT, LEED AP, is the Southeast architectural representative for Custom Building Products, and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Tile installation products, methods, standards, specifications, and failure investigation are his areas of expertise. Promoting proper tile work through clear, correct, complete, and concise specifications is his mission. He can be reached at[1].


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