Rust never sleeps: corrosion professionals growing cross-country

by CS Editor | August 1, 2014 9:43 am

When it comes to the built environment, specialists have far more varied and nuanced methods of dealing with corrosion than spraying down rust. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Dmitry Kalinovsky
When it comes to the built environment, specialists have far more varied and nuanced methods of dealing with corrosion than spraying down rust. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Dmitry Kalinovsky

Corrosion professionals in North America have experienced another year of continued growth in career opportunities and salary levels, according to a survey conducted by Materials Performance[1] magazine.

For 2014, average annual compensation in the United States is $108,615 (up 5.3 percent from last year), while European salaries decreased. The survey went out to members of NACE International?The Corrosion Society (formerly the National Association of Corrosion Engineers); it can be accessed online at[2].

In addition to salary data, participants were asked about challenges they faced. North Americans cited a need for larger budgets for corrosion control and more advancement opportunities. Several participants expressed frustration over garnering support of decision-makers when it comes to investing in corrosion control. Many agree they struggle to persuade management or clients to understand corrosion costs over the long-term tend to be much higher than the short-term costs of prevention. Dmitry Kalinovsky

  1. Materials Performance:

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