Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons
The infamous sinking and tilting Millennium Tower in San Francisco, California, will be going through a $100-million restoration after a settlement was achieved.
Since its completion in 2008, the 58-story building has sunk 457 mm (18 in.) with a lean of 356 mm (14 in.). Experts who inspected the $100-million proposal to fix the structure endorsed the repair plans, saying they “see no reason to withhold approval of the building permit for the structural upgrade of the foundation,” the San Francisco Chronicle reports.
As per the San Francisco Chronicle, the project requires 52 piles to be drilled 76 m (250 ft) below into the bedrock and connect to the existing infrastructure to reinforce the building. Additionally, the 0.6-m (2-ft) thick circular steel piles would be filled with steel reinforced concrete.
Note driving the piles “into the bedrock” — exactly what should have been done to ALL the original piles. Interesting no mention of how or even if there is a plan to fix the 14″ our of plumb issue.