SDI seeks individuals to review new steel deck consensus standards
by Katie Daniel | July 20, 2015 8:33 am
[1]Steel professionals are being sought by the Steel Deck Institute (SDI) to help review 2017editions of steel deck consensus standards. Photo courtesy
The Steel Deck Institute (SDI) wants reviewers for its upcoming editions of consensus standards for steel decks.
The 2017 versions include the following standards:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/SDI RD-2010, Standard for Steel Roof Deck;
ANSI/SDI NC-2010, Standard for Non-composite Steel Floor Deck;
ANSI/SDI C-2011, Standard for Composite Steel Floor Deck–Slabs;
ANSI/SDI T-CD-2011, Test Standard for Composite Steel Floor Deck–Slabs; and
ANSI/SDI QA/QC-2011, Standard for Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Installation of Steel Deck.
The review process is expected to take place in the fourth quarter of 2015. Copies of the standards are available here.[2] If interested in participating, contact SDI’s managing director, Robert Paul, at[3].