by Samantha Ashenhurst | April 5, 2018 2:29 pm
Air Movement and Control Association[2] (AMCA) announced the publication of ANSI/AMCA Standard 208-18, Calculation of the Fan Energy Index, a new standard that defines the calculation method for fan energy index (FEI), an energy-efficient metric for fans inclusive of motors and drives. This metric provides a consistent basis for comparing fan energy performance across fan types and sizes at a given fan duty point.
Written to support the fan industry’s entrance into energy and construction codes/standards, the updated standard replaces those written under the former metric, fan efficiency grade (FEG), which is currently referenced in several model energy codes/standards, including American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings, ASHRAE 189.1, Standard for the Design of High-performance Green Buildings, and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). FEI will replace FEG as it is adopted through change proposals as part of routine revision cycles.
The updated standard covers fan and motor sizes tested in accordance with:
All other fans—including air-curtain units tested in accordance with ANSI/AMCA Standard 220, Laboratory Methods of Testing Air Curtains for Aerodynamic Performance Rating—are excluded.
To purchase the standard, click here[3].
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