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The American Institute of Architects (AIA) conducted a survey examining the impact of basic demographics, such as race, ethnicity, and gender in the architecture profession.
The purpose of “Diversity in the Profession of Architecture’ was to investigate the careers of diverse architects, examine how different firm cultures affect their career goals, and identify the type of practices in which they work. Key findings include representation of gender and race, reported challenges in career advancement, work/life balance impacts for women, factors impacting representation of minorities, and job satisfaction.
The survey found 43 percent of women felt somewhat underrepresented while five percent felt represented very well. Almost half of respondents who were women of color felt very underrepresented and three percent felt strongly represented. Slightly fewer men of color also felt very underrepresented, but a greater number felt represented.
When men and women are in comparable roles, 51 percent of women of color, 50 percent of white women, 23 percent of men of color, and 13 percent of white men strongly disagreed they got equal pay. In regards to people of color being promoted to senior positions, 32 percent of women of color, 31 percent of men of color, 18 percent of white women, and nine percent of white men strongly agreed it was less likely.
To read the survey results, click here.