Sustainable buildings: Designing and delivering a greener future

A connected construction ecosystem can help ensure developers and operators have a continuous flow of data and information.
A connected construction ecosystem can help ensure developers and operators have a continuous flow of data and information.

So, what might a building look like when all the elements of a sustainable building strategy fall into place? Figure 1 is an example of a sustainable building that employs innovative materials and advanced digital technologies.

Call to action

Where can engineering and construction companies begin overcoming current challenges and work toward increasing the successful implementation
of sustainable buildings?

  • Define a vision, strategy, and roadmap for sustainable construction with particular attention to alternative-material and energy-efficiency incentives.
  • Survey, select, and procure the technologies that will make the greatest and most cost-effective impact on emissions. Develop an implementation plan, and distribute technical guidelines to key partners, creating an ecosystem that magnifies benefits.
  • Support and drive sustainability-targeted projects through policies, regulations, penalties, or carbon taxes. Seek collaborative efforts involving developers, real estate companies, and technology providers to incent green building.
  • Promote data sharing standards to make information more valuable and useful. The European Commission’s Digital Agenda promoting integrated information and communication technology in sustainable construction is an example.21
Figure 1 Sustainable buildings can leverage innovative materials and advanced digital technologies.
Figure 1 Sustainable buildings can leverage innovative materials and advanced digital technologies.

Achieving the vision for sustainable buildings and creating a zero-carbon built environment will likely require engineering and construction companies to adopt transformational approaches, collaborate through global platforms, and work with governments for incentives that can take new solutions to a commercial scale.

Fortunately, virtually everyone wants to move in this direction. The architecture, engineering, and construction industries are perfectly positioned to lead. However, before making any decision or taking any action that may affect the business, it is important to consult a qualified professional advisor.

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