The National Center for Education and Research on Corrosion and Materials Performance (NCERCAMP) is hosting a two-day event on sustainable concrete Oct. 11 and 12 in Akron, Ohio.
The event, hosted at the University of Akron, will discuss low additive, high early-strength concrete, smart micro-encapsulated corrosion inhibitors, and reactive copolymerizing solids (RCS).
Concrete can require significant amounts of noncementitious materials for maintenance and these can carry a high carbon footprint. Low additive, high early-strength concrete relies on natural solutions and chemistry to produce more resilient concrete with less impact on our environment.
Smart micro-encapsulated corrosion inhibitors help guard against concrete corrosion, specifically in areas where steel rebar makes contact with the concrete matrix. This system of limiting corrosion of concrete will be explained on Oct. 12 by NCERCAMP’s Dr. David M. Bastidas.
On both Oct. 11 and 12, live demonstrations of another natural concrete, reactive copolymerizing solids (RCS), will take place outside on campus.
For more information contact: NCERCAMP1@uakron.edu.