Tag Archives: 07 10 00–Dampproofing and Waterproofing

Failures: Rules of (gasket) engagement

A close-range examination revealed the gaskets were not driven to the required depth within the joints to engage the locking barb with the corresponding raceway in the outboard aluminum trim. Instead, they were retained in the joint through compression alone, leaving them susceptible to disengagement over time.

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Waterproofing elevator pits 101

This was supposed to be simple. The site is flat and the building is all slab-on-grade. The geotechnical report stated the design ground water table is more than 3 m (10 ft) below grade. Why is there a need to spend in excess of $100,000, and add more than three weeks to the construction schedule for below-grade waterproofing? The short answer is: elevators.

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