Tag Archives: 09

Specifying ACI certification builds confidence in concrete flatwork construction

Many of the largest retailers have been specifying, or soon will be specifying, certified individuals on new construction projects. It is worthwhile for owners and specifiers on projects of all types to follow their lead. Good quality control can result in significant cost and time savings. Therefore, it is in every owner’s interest to promote quality and require contractors who maintain the highest industry standards that are confirmed by certification, such as the ones offered by the American Concrete Institute (ACI).

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Avoiding galvanic corrosion with dissimilar metals

When two different metals are in contact and exposed to moisture containing salts or pollutants, one of the metals can experience accelerated corrosion while the other remains protected. This type of accelerated corrosion between dissimilar metals negatively impacts the overall corrosion protection of the project and is referred to as galvanic corrosion, bi-metallic corrosion, or dissimilar metal corrosion. It can be prevented by utilizing compatible metals and/or favorable surface area ratios, providing barriers to break electrical contact between metals, or isolating the metals from the environment.

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A really cool idea: As temperatures rise, so does the demand for cool roofing

As greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to trap heat and make homes and businesses more difficult to cool, cities are struggling to keep up with the demand on local energy grids. Higher cooling demands are also making it more costly to own a home, run a business, or staff an office building. It is incumbent upon designers, architects, and specifiers to factor in the costs of rising temperatures, and incorporate temperature-lowering cool roofs into their recommendations.

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