When it comes to parking garages, durability is key, as they are often located in busy metro areas where closure, repair, or reconstruction can be disruptive. Time, labor, and material costs for renovation are also prohibitive. These structures are generally made from reinforced cast-in-place or precast concrete, making corrosion one of the most common challenges to durability.
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Shrinking, creeping, cracking—they sound like things that happen in a grade-B horror flick, yet hit the nail on the head when describing problems with concrete.
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Many different types of concrete construction projects can use reinforcing steel (rebar), including architectural buildings, exposed beams and columns, bridge decks, and various transportation infrastructure projects. The steel embedded within is essential to the performance of these structures.
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Concrete is the most-used manufactured material in the world, with nearly three tons per person used annually.
Its benefits to society are immense, as it is used to build schools, hospitals, apartment blocks, infrastructure, and more.
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Construction documents need to be clear, concise, correct, and complete—but is this enough to fend off the twists and turns of executing the contract for construction?
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