Tag Archives: air barrier

The air barrier pre-installation meeting

The air barrier is one of the most significant items on any building exterior. The installation and process should reflect the importance of the system and its intricate installation and integration of non-air barrier system components, such as waterproofing, structural elements, windows, and roofing systems.

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Role of air barriers in mitigating disease transmission

The importance of infection control and the impact of operating conditions on the built environment have taken renewed focus in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a part of the ongoing response, industry organizations, such as the American Society of Heating and Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), have released updated considerations for design and construction professionals, including airflow strategies and temperature and humidity controls, as well as ventilation and pressurization.

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Specifying metal rainscreen assemblies

Metal can be formed into several shapes, sizes, colors, and textures to meet almost any aesthetic. If specified correctly, the assembly will last for the life of the building with very few issues. Three broad categories—composites, insulated metal panels (IMPs), and single-skin—of metal rainscreens are widely used.

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Rainscreen walls: An updated definition for today’s construction environment

The term rainscreen refers to a building system fulfilling one of the main functions of an exterior wall—to screen out rain and keep a wall dry. While at one time that system would have encompassed moisture control alone, the complexity of exterior wall assemblies now requires a more integrated approach. Multicladding aesthetics with the benefit of continuous control layers are achievable with new rainscreen system designs.

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