Tag Archives: Below-grade

Constructing basements to receive waterproofing

Auditoriums and computer rooms that do not require daylight now occupy basements that formerly housed mechanical plants and vehicle parking. These sensitive occupancies require the spaces be waterproofed to prevent water from migrating through the basement walls and slab in contact with the wet, adjoining soil.

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Building in tight urban spaces

Erecting a new building in an urban setting means coordinating a whole range of challenges not faced in open areas. Just managing the logistics—material deliveries and construction site traffic, for example—takes on a new level of complexity in the face of rush-hour traffic and sidewalks full of people.

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From roof to foundation

Waterproofing plays an extremely important role in protecting every aspect of a structure’s construction. Knowing which coverage to specify for a particular project is more than just a science—it is an art form. Consulting with an experienced specialty contractor for the best waterproofing options available will ensure a quality job to extend the structure’s life.

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The evolution of plaza waterproofing

Non-stop increases in urban land costs have led to more efficient use of space by building owners. This includes not only building upward, but also downward. Waterproofed plazas over occupied underground facilities and roof terraces became popular ways of maximizing both horizontal and vertical space.

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