Tag Archives: building envelope

Additional practical insights on overcladding masonry facades

As an alternative to removing and replacing the original masonry—an approach that can negatively impact structural integrity—project teams and architects are encouraged to design an insulated facade layer with vapor barrier, creating a new enclosure that is watertight and energy efficient, and possibly more attractive. This raises a question about how to ensure the ideal placement and attachment of the insulation, air barrier, and cladding.

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Aesthetics, stability go hand-in-hand with continuous exterior insulation systems

How can designers, specifiers, and contractors capitalize on the growing trend of multiple aesthetic looks for a building’s exterior while ensuring the structural stability of a building enclosure? The connective tissue to solve this equation lies beneath what the eye can see. It is a singular, cohesive building envelope which relies on exterior continuous insulation (ci). Employing materials to work in concert with each other can deliver key value propositions, such as design freedom, long-term performance, potential cost savings, and peace of mind.

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Trial to trend: The growth of prefabricated exterior walls

When prefabrication enters the construction equation, the game changes dramatically. Manufacturers can produce complete exterior wall panels in a climate-controlled facility with no weather limitations. Wall panels can then be transported to a job site where they are hoisted into place and attached to the structure without the need for exterior access.

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