Tag Archives: Ceilings

HVAC in the clouds: Smart solutions for educational spaces

PCTI’s new 250 m2 (2,700 sf) office space is comprised of two individual offices, a large, common workspace for numerous desks, and a considerable storage area. The most unique element of the space is its “sky” theme. With lots of window space, the open common space has blue walls and the ceiling features cloud-like areas of white drop ceiling.

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Sound of silence: Specifying the four roles of acoustic ceilings

The designer and specifier decide which of these roles the ceiling will take on in any project. The ceiling can assume all, none, or any combination of the four roles. It is possible for the partitions and floor slab to provide adequate isolation without a ceiling. Mechanical equipment can be located remotely to sound-sensitive rooms. Absorption can be provided on other surfaces and via furnishing.

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Meeting ceiling requirements in restaurant settings

In the front of house, which includes public-facing areas such as the dining room, bar, and reception area, visual aesthetics are of primary importance, including the ceiling … In the back of house, comprising the kitchen and other food preparation areas and stations, hygiene and cleanability are key requirements.

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Optimizing acoustics with stone wool ceilings

Grundfos, a global leader in water technology based in Bjerringbro, Denmark, has earned Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certification for its new Global Water Utility Headquarters—the highest available building certification through the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Advanced stone wool ceilings for acoustical performance were key to the LEED Platinum certification.

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