Tag Archives: Concrete

Best practices for specifying resinous flooring systems

There are two flooring chemistries that have both existed in the United States for more than 15 years but are rarely specified relative to their epoxy counterparts. Urethane cements and methyl methacrylate (MMA) have already been established as viable resinous flooring solutions for a variety of challenges. Urethane cements are one of the best solutions for resisting thermal shock from steam, grease, and other hot contaminants, while MMA can accept a fresh topcoat at any future time without requiring any mechanical preparation.

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Restoring and maintaining archaic concrete floor systems

As a part of the living history of construction, archaic floor systems exist in many buildings despite having been supplanted by modern construction methods. As a building manager or design professional, it is important to be aware these systems are in use today, and to recognize one in place before attempting repairs, alterations, or construction to avoid inadvertently damaging the integrity of a structure.

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The deleterious situation of the pool structure

Improper design, poor construction techniques, and lack of maintenance can allow chlorinated water to migrate into the pool’s concrete shell and embedded structural reinforcement. To ensure the longevity of the pool structure and its components, design professionals must be familiar with state-of-the-art construction technology and performance-based design.

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The importance of substrate surface water absorptivity

Often referred to as substrate “porosity,” substrate surface water absorptivity refers to the ability of a flooring substrate surface to absorb liquid relatively quickly. The coalescence of an impermeable floorcovering material and a non-porous concrete surface not only reduces moisture from coming in, but also from escaping.

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