Tag Archives: COVID19

10 tips to designing physically distant parks

The City of Baltimore, Maryland, in partnership with the nonprofit, the Neighborhood Design Center, has released the Design for Distancing Guidebook, a digital resource that will provide safe placemaking inspiration for businesses, cities, and people worldwide to safely reopen and improve their own public spaces.

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AIA releases strategies to reduce risk of COVID-19 in senior living communities

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has released strategies and illustrations that can help senior living communities mitigate risk of COVID-19. These resources were developed by a team of architects, AIA’s Design for Aging knowledge community, public health experts, and engineers, to assist with pivoting communities toward a more sustainable set of strategies that can reduce risk for residents and staff while creating a more comfortable way of life that is supportive of overall well-being.

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Re-shaping seating, staging design for a post-COVID era

COVID-19 has led to a new norm of social distancing that will play a major role in how people gather at events in the coming months and years. As sporting games, live theater productions, conventions, and other events slowly return, many of these venues will need to adapt their settings to accommodate new social spacing requirements and requests.

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