Tag Archives: COVID19

Free app makes health screening easy at jobsites

As the construction industry reopens in California and across the United States, BuildCenter, a software spinoff from COBE Construction, Inc., is offering a free health screening tool and attendance log. The app helps all construction companies meet critical mandates set by many local health agencies.

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AIA releases 3D office models for reducing risk of COVID-19

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has released strategies and 3D models for office spaces and retail stores that can help employers and businesses reopen more safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design strategies provide a holistic approach to modifying stores and offices using a 17-point architectural, engineering, and administrative framework based on recent COVID-19 public health information.

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Rockwell Group creates kit for outdoor dining during COVID-19

Architecture and design firm Rockwell Group has created a template for outdoor dining—an adaptable kit-of-parts, accommodating a range of restaurants and street conditions following COVID-19. The solution offers five scales of cost-effective interventions, from minimal to more complex, and provides restaurants the flexibility to easily customize their own outdoor environments.

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Top design firms release tool kit to help prepare schools for reopening

Brooklyn Laboratory Charter Schools (LAB) has launched “Back to School Facilities Tool Kit” to serve as a resource for schools nationwide to create fair, equitable plans to reopen their doors, while protecting the well-being of all students, teachers, staff, and their families. The tool kit was developed through a partnership with Urban Projects Collaborative (UPS) and five leading design firms: Gensler, PBDW, PSF Projects, SITU, and WXY.

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