Tag Archives: Curtain wall

Students at UW perform in broad daylight

Students and staff at the University of Wyoming’s (UW’s) Laramie campus can now develop their music, theater, or dance skills in a newly renovated and expanded facility. The $35-million Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts includes both new construction and partial renovation of the existing fine arts center.

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Keeping unitized curtain walls dry

Unitized curtain wall systems offer many benefits when used for the building enclosure. They can increase quality control of the overall system, as the units are largely shop-fabricated under controlled conditions rather than field-assembled.

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Steel curtain walls that get the curtain call

Modern curtain wall systems require structural supports as strong as they are versatile to keep pace with today’s increasingly large free spans, challenging angles, and sophisticated glass-clad aesthetics. While steel curtain wall frames have long met strength criteria, they have only recently provided the necessary design flexibility.

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