Tag Archives: Division 04

Additional practical insights on overcladding masonry facades

As an alternative to removing and replacing the original masonry—an approach that can negatively impact structural integrity—project teams and architects are encouraged to design an insulated facade layer with vapor barrier, creating a new enclosure that is watertight and energy efficient, and possibly more attractive. This raises a question about how to ensure the ideal placement and attachment of the insulation, air barrier, and cladding.

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Choosing between restoring or replacing cracked, spalled, and displaced brick facades

Restoring brick facades plays an essential role in reusing existing building stock. Every project should answer this question: can the facade be saved or has the brick’s deterioration critically compromised the wall’s stability? Existing brick masonry is often treated as a maintenance item and not much thought is given to whole system performance. Brick and mortar defects can be treated as symptoms, but the overall stability of the assembly is often overlooked.

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