Tag Archives: Division 07

Room acoustics, sound control with metal panels

Metals do not only provide resilience, beauty, and acoustical performance, but gains in paint technology make for an unlimited resilient pallet for the design and viewing community. From a functional linear ceiling system to wall panel options, a building’s interior can benefit from the beauty and durability of metal.

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The air barrier pre-installation meeting

The air barrier is one of the most significant items on any building exterior. The installation and process should reflect the importance of the system and its intricate installation and integration of non-air barrier system components, such as waterproofing, structural elements, windows, and roofing systems.

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EPS insulation excels at Pikes Peak

The design team and project partners enlisted to reimagine the new Summit House, which is more than double the size of the former structure, were met with a unique set of opportunities and challenges: revitalizing the sky-high attraction while adhering to the highest green building standards.

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