Tag Archives: Division 07

Aesthetics, stability go hand-in-hand with continuous exterior insulation systems

How can designers, specifiers, and contractors capitalize on the growing trend of multiple aesthetic looks for a building’s exterior while ensuring the structural stability of a building enclosure? The connective tissue to solve this equation lies beneath what the eye can see. It is a singular, cohesive building envelope which relies on exterior continuous insulation (ci). Employing materials to work in concert with each other can deliver key value propositions, such as design freedom, long-term performance, potential cost savings, and peace of mind.

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Ensuring proper air barrier adhesion for maximum performance

Using a fully adhered air barrier, whether sheet-applied or fluid-applied, is essential in creating a continuous barrier which will minimize air leakage. How well the membrane is bonded to the wall substrate will greatly affect the barrier’s performance. This adhesion is a critically important, yet often overlooked, factor in air barrier selection, and it impacts the building envelope’s performance from the day it is installed and throughout the life of the building.

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Next-gen sprayfoam systems: Shifting to HFO blowing agents

The push toward HFO-based sprayfoam blowing agent technology is the latest step in an ongoing evolution to phase out the use of chemicals known to harm the ozone and climate. In addition to reducing the negative Earth impacts of sprayfoam insulation and roofing materials, there are also product performance and installation considerations. This article will explain the blowing agent shift and why it matters to those considering the specification of sprayfoam for both insulation and roofing applications in commercial building projects.

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Polyiso: more than just continuous insulation

If building managers cannot adequately control water and moisture permeation within their wall assembly due to natural events and poor design, it can cause extensive damage, impact aesthetics, and contribute to poor indoor air quality (IAQ) and mold growth, which is proven to have harmful effects on the health and well-being of occupants. Polyiso continuous wall insulation not only resists water but also offers superior thermal resistance to help ensure long-term energy efficiency within the building envelope.

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