Tag Archives: Division 22

CPVC pipes and fitting

Recent industry trends have enabled several choices of competing plumbing materials to gain greater traction in the market. As a result, plumbing professionals have far more factors to consider when designing a system.

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Designing barrier-free bathrooms

The way we build bathrooms is changing. Owners of homes, condominiums, hotels, and spas want more than just utility—they are seeking a retreat-like atmosphere with the latest design elements, while still requiring reliability and durability. At the same time, many want their bathrooms to be barrier-free.

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Faucets: Other green aspects

In the past, faucets were not a primary focus of water efficiency advocates, given the 1992 Energy Policy Act (EPAct) and subsequent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) actions limited faucet flows to 8.3 L/minute (2.2 gallons per minute [gpm]) at 414 kPA (60 psi).

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