Tag Archives: Division 23

HVAC in the clouds: Smart solutions for educational spaces

PCTI’s new 250 m2 (2,700 sf) office space is comprised of two individual offices, a large, common workspace for numerous desks, and a considerable storage area. The most unique element of the space is its “sky” theme. With lots of window space, the open common space has blue walls and the ceiling features cloud-like areas of white drop ceiling.

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Why and how to employ air curtains at industrial doorways

Air curtains separate the indoor and outdoor environment at open doorways; for example, they can prevent warm air from entering the workplace in summer. In winter, air curtains can not only prevent cold air infiltration through open doorways, but they can also employ electric, steam, or hot water heating with onboard coils to maintain comfortable doorway area temperatures.

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Quieting a Kansas school with VRF HVAC

As the educational facilities within Kansas’s Dodge City United School District aged, teachers and students noticed the impact the buildings’ noisy HVAC systems had on the overall classroom experience. The district decided to equip the schools with sustainable HVAC systems using geothermal technology.

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