Tag Archives: Doors & Windows

Opening the door to hydraulics in Seattle

Sam’s Tavern in Seattle, Washington, has been described as a “whimsical bar.” In order to increase the restaurant and bar’s overall capacity, owner James Snyder opted for two hydraulic doors, designed to open to an outside courtyard. Clad in glass to maximize natural light, the doors lay at a flat 90 degree angle when fully open, which creates a covered patio with additional seating that patrons can enjoy, even on Seattle’s many … Continue reading Opening the door to hydraulics in Seattle

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NAFS revision to ease US/Canada fenestration trade

The latest edition of North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights (NAFS), is now available. Compiled by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA), the update, 101/I.S.2/A440-17, replaces the 2011 edition of the joint standard.

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