Tag Archives: EPS

Discussion on possibility of polystyrene bias

The April 2015 issue featured an article entitled “Selecting Polystyrene Foam Where Moisture Exposure Occurs.” The public relations manager at the EPS Industry Alliance wrote to the magazine, wanting to comment on what he called “several inaccuracies and omissions” he felt slanted the piece in favor of extruded polystyrene (XPS) at the expense of expanded polystyrene (EPS).

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Concern regarding long-term insulation data

The December 2013 issue of The Construction Specifier included the article, “Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind,by Ram Mayilvahanan. The feature focused on expanded polystyrene (EPS) and included reference to a particular industry study. In response to the piece, we recently received the following e-mail from John Ferraro, executive director of the Extruded Polystyrene Foam Association (XPSA):

This article included conclusions on the long-term thermal performance of XPS in below-grade applications contrary … Continue reading Concern regarding long-term insulation data

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Updating values for polyiso

The January issue of The Construction Specifier included the article, “Impact of Advancements in Model Energy Codes,” by Jared O. Blum. We received the following letter to the editor from Tim Merchant of the EPS Industry Alliance, an organization representing those in the expanded polystyrene community.

The EPS Industry Alliance has always supported informative articles that advance the knowledge, proper use, and application of foam insulation. That said, the article makes … Continue reading Updating values for polyiso

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XPS, EPS, and Dock Flotation

After the feature, “Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind: Specifying Thermal Insulation Below-grade and Under-slab” ran in our December 2013 issue, we received a letter from retired architect, Joseph S. Bond. Mr. Bond wrote that the article in question “seems to reverse the findings” from both his personal and professional experience with expanded and extruded polystyrene (EPS and XPS):

I am a retired architect, and may not have the best current … Continue reading XPS, EPS, and Dock Flotation

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