Tag Archives: failures

It is time to saddle up!

Moisture-related problems are common at critical interface conditions in the building enclosure due to discontinuities in the air/moisture control layers. One such instance is where a parapet at a lower roof meets an exterior rising wall of an upper floor or another enclosure assembly.

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Repointing: Less is not always more

When repointing mortar joints in an existing structure, successful long-term performance depends on a number of factors. A lack of understanding of substrate materials and conditions, insufficient joint preparation, less than adequate skill or care during mortar installation and curing, and an overly limited repointing scope can lead to premature failure of a masonry joint repointing program.

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Look out below

The decision to replace an existing roof is often made in response to ongoing water leakage rather than as part of a proactive maintenance regimen, as owners and facility management companies attempt to obtain the last ounce of serviceability out of their building systems to manage cost. Unfortunately, such deferred maintenance can result in additional cost.

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Expanding on structural steel

The effects of corrosion on metal building components range from aesthetically undesirable appearances to hazardous structural conditions. This is particularly the case for masonry buildings constructed in the early 1900s, where unprotected structural steel is often in contact with exterior wall construction.

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