In the front of house, which includes public-facing areas such as the dining room, bar, and reception area, visual aesthetics are of primary importance, including the ceiling … In the back of house, comprising the kitchen and other food preparation areas and stations, hygiene and cleanability are key requirements.
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It is not a typical topic of conversation or even something most people want to think about, but the history of restrooms is a compelling story, driven by thousands of years of evolution and an ongoing merger of engineering practices and changing cultural norms.
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Recent demographic and social trends have increased demand for multigenerational design in commercial buildings, and the restroom offers many opportunities to cater to a full spectrum of generational challenges.
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Room finishes should be specified with regard to the level of cleanliness required in a space and the resources available for maintenance of finished surfaces. Standards for cleanliness are often lax, especially when it comes to ceilings.
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