Tag Archives: Industry Tools & Software

Embodied carbon calculator launched

The Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3) tool was launched in public beta version at the recently concluded Greenbuild conference, giving the building industry a means to take action on an area of growing concern: embodied carbon emissions of building materials.

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Meeting infection control protocols in healthcare designs

A new infection control risk assessment (ICRA) protocol ensures all projects done in healthcare facilities limit death-causing contaminants such as mold and dust. These protocols include establishing a negative pressure environment, building and sealing soft walls, controlling contaminates, and more. This assessment program is important for the building trades, specifically floorcovering installation, as it plays such a significant role in healthcare facilities.

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5G and construction: A CSI exclusive

The new mobile connectivity standard 5G is promising speeds of 1 GB per second, and has the capacity to completely replace current wired and even wireless networks. In his latest blog, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, discusses 5G’s impact on the construction industry.

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