Tag Archives: Industry Trends

Peter Exley inaugurated as AIA 2021 president

Peter Exley, FAIA, has been inaugurated as the 97th president of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Exley has served AIA in a number of roles, including as the at-large-director on the AIA Board; chair of AIA’s Public Outreach Committee; 2013 president of AIA Chicago; Illinois regional representative to the Strategic Council; and liaison to AIA’s Young Architects Forum.

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The future of specifiers: The way forward

While the industry has a good handle on how specifications may change with technology, what about the actual job of a “specifier”? Will the role grow and change in the future or will it disappear completely in favor of a new model? These questions were the focus of a panel discussion held earlier this fall during CONSTRUCT 2020.

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