Tag Archives: insulated metal panel

Specifying metal rainscreen assemblies

Metal can be formed into several shapes, sizes, colors, and textures to meet almost any aesthetic. If specified correctly, the assembly will last for the life of the building with very few issues. Three broad categories—composites, insulated metal panels (IMPs), and single-skin—of metal rainscreens are widely used.

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IMPs create a sleek look for sports complex in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C.’s Entertainment and Sports Arena (ESA) is a state-of-the-art, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver-certified, multipurpose entertainment, sports, and cultural complex. The insulated metal panels (IMPs) used in the 109,63-m2 (118,000-sf) enclosure provides a sleek look, while also offering a seamless addition to the nation’s capital.

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