Tag Archives: LEED

Colorado law office uses high-performing ceiling to create a ‘next-generation’ workplace

To accommodate its growth in Colorado, the global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, moved to a new 3809-m2 (41,000-sf), two-floor office suite in downtown Denver. The city’s first Class A office tower in more than 30 years and one of its tallest, the 40-story property serves as a hub of innovation and collaboration. To achieve its aesthetics and sustainability goals, this next-generation workspace used high-performance ceiling panels.

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Florida university center brings acoustic comfort to students’ home-away-from-home

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver-certified Christine E. Lynn University Center creates a warm, welcoming place for students to gather within the 47-ha (115-acre) campus in Boca Raton, Florida. Gensler’s Tampa-based team selected acoustic stone wool panels, metallic suspension system, and ceiling perimeter trim for a complete ceiling solution to meet the project’s aesthetic, performance, and sustainable design goals.

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