Tag Archives: Masonry

Get your hands dirty

Many specifiers grumble about the typical architect’s lack of knowledge of how things work and how building materials and assemblies go together—there is that perceived belief, “If I can draw it, someone can build it!”

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Keeping mortar compatible

Using a mortar harder than adjacent stone or brick can affect the adjacent masonry, from localized spalls along the edges of the mortar joints to severely deteriorated masonry units surrounded by intact pointing mortar.

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Revelations with reversible repairs

When designing repairs to existing buildings and structures, emphasis is typically on durability, with the goal of achieving the longest-possible service life. However, there are some cases in which it is desirable to design repairs that are reversible or removable.

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One thing leads to another…

During a visit to review curtain wall assemblies on a project under construction, we noticed something unrelated—brick ties supporting a cantilevered through-wall flashing drip plate at a window opening in the exterior masonry. This unusual condition invited further examination of the cavity wall construction.

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