Within the past four decades, more than 185 hundred million m2 (2 billion sf) of metal roofing have been installed in the United States each year.
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Rooftop avalanches cause hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage, personal injury, and even death each year. Proper, job-specific design of a qualified snow retention system reduces building owner/designer liability when sliding snow presents a hazard.
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In the last two decades, the improved technologies of silicone, acrylic, and polyurethane have become better integrated into basic roofing practice, not only expanding the range of roofing applications but also competing successfully against the traditional asphalt coatings used for maintaining traditional built-up (BUR) roofs. Today, most manufacturers of entire roof assemblies also have a coatings line, including at least two of these four technologies.
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With a population of roughly 100,000 people, the growing community of Tyler, Texas, is located about halfway between Dallas and the Louisiana border. The city’s emergency services include 10 fire stations, divided into two main districts.
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Once a building owner invests in the longevity promised by a standing-seam metal roof, there will be little patience for leaks. A standing-seam roof—one of the longest-lasting options available—is often specified because of its durability and minimal maintenance requirements.
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