Tag Archives: Metal

Expanding on structural steel

The effects of corrosion on metal building components range from aesthetically undesirable appearances to hazardous structural conditions. This is particularly the case for masonry buildings constructed in the early 1900s, where unprotected structural steel is often in contact with exterior wall construction.

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Terraced plaza energizes New York’s cultural district

In the heart of Brooklyn, New York’s cultural district, a new 32-story building was created by Ten Arquitectos’ Enrique Norten with executive architect Ismael Leyva. The goal of this project was to draw people into the space. The Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) South tower is a mixed-use building that employs a porous design and a terraced plaza to enliven an underused section of the district.

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Hand-seamed roof elevates library’s aesthetics

When officials in Lilburn, Ga., planned the new double-duty library and city hall building, the vision called for interior spaces providing easy access and circulation within the structure, with a shared lobby space on the first and second floor. On the exterior, the design called for steep-slope roof elements that would draw attention to certain building functions and entry locations, and metal roof panels to accentuate these spaces.

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