Tag Archives: Metals

Colorado law office uses high-performing ceiling to create a ‘next-generation’ workplace

To accommodate its growth in Colorado, the global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, moved to a new 3809-m2 (41,000-sf), two-floor office suite in downtown Denver. The city’s first Class A office tower in more than 30 years and one of its tallest, the 40-story property serves as a hub of innovation and collaboration. To achieve its aesthetics and sustainability goals, this next-generation workspace used high-performance ceiling panels.

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Avoiding galvanic corrosion with dissimilar metals

When two different metals are in contact and exposed to moisture containing salts or pollutants, one of the metals can experience accelerated corrosion while the other remains protected. This type of accelerated corrosion between dissimilar metals negatively impacts the overall corrosion protection of the project and is referred to as galvanic corrosion, bi-metallic corrosion, or dissimilar metal corrosion. It can be prevented by utilizing compatible metals and/or favorable surface area ratios, providing barriers to break electrical contact between metals, or isolating the metals from the environment.

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California façade restoration project wins award

The façade restoration of 610 Newport Center Drive, an office building in Newport Beach, California, has won the 2020 Metal Architecture Design Award in the ‘Renovations and Retrofit’ category. Architects judging the award recognized the holistic restoration project for “nailing the recreation and restoration of the [original] design intent” and for “the pride in doing a job that well.”

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