Tag Archives: moisture

XPS, EPS, and Dock Flotation

After the feature, “Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind: Specifying Thermal Insulation Below-grade and Under-slab” ran in our December 2013 issue, we received a letter from retired architect, Joseph S. Bond. Mr. Bond wrote that the article in question “seems to reverse the findings” from both his personal and professional experience with expanded and extruded polystyrene (EPS and XPS):

I am a retired architect, and may not have the best current … Continue reading XPS, EPS, and Dock Flotation

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Continuing the Debate on Solar-driven Moisture

Our January 2013 article, “Ensuring Moisture Protection for Manufactured Stone,” written by Jeff Diqui, Arch. Eng., CSI, resulted in a letter to the editor from another frequent contributor to The Construction Specifier.

In the spring, Maria Spinu, PhD, LEED AP, e-mailed her comments:

I want to compliment Mr. Diqui on a generally well-written and informative article, but I wish to address the statements made … Continue reading Continuing the Debate on Solar-driven Moisture

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