Tag Archives: New York

PCF&P-designed NY arts center inaugurated

A 19-century munitions warehouse on Governors Island in New York Harbor has opened its doors as the city’s newest venue for the arts. Spearheaded by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC), the project is the latest piece in the ongoing transformation of a former military base into a vibrant cultural destination.

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NY firm announces new partners

New York-based Deborah Berke Partners has elevated eight long-time principals at the firm to the level of partner. The new partners—Noah Biklen, Stephen Brockman, Kiki Dennis, Ameet Hiremath, Rhoda Kennedy, Arthi Krishnamoorthy, Terrence Schroeder, and Caroline Wharton Ewing—have been instrumental in realizing the firm’s most significant projects and in leading the steady growth of the practice since its founding more than 30 years ago.

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