Tag Archives: polyiso

An affordable, energy-efficient hat for buildings

Throughout history, mothers have admonished their children to “wear a hat or you will catch a cold.” While we now know this is not true, mom’s advice provides building professionals with an important reminder why roof insulation is crucial: buildings lose about 25 percent of their heat through the roof when it is cold outside. On hot days, the roofing membrane can hold heat for hours, which puts a burden on air-conditioning equipment.

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Updating values for polyiso

The January issue of The Construction Specifier included the article, “Impact of Advancements in Model Energy Codes,” by Jared O. Blum. We received the following letter to the editor from Tim Merchant of the EPS Industry Alliance, an organization representing those in the expanded polystyrene community.

The EPS Industry Alliance has always supported informative articles that advance the knowledge, proper use, and application of foam insulation. That said, the article makes … Continue reading Updating values for polyiso

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