Tag Archives: professional development

CONSTRUCT 2013: Looking Back on Nashville

As the editor of The Construction Specifier, I attend CONSTRUCT & the CSI Annual Convention every year. It’s a busy few days, but it’s always nice catching up with writers, friends, and editorial advisors. There are also lots of opportunities to meet with building product experts on the show floor. Between the exhibit hall and the various seminar rooms, CONSTRUCT is a direct or indirect source for many of the features and articles finding their … Continue reading CONSTRUCT 2013: Looking Back on Nashville

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From Seminars to Articles

Many features contributed to The Construction Specifier begin with a simple query e-mail or phone call—a specifier, architect, engineer, professor, or product rep has an idea for a story and wants to share it with our audience. In many other instances, however, we go searching for features. The editorial team goes out to established or emerging experts, proposing they write on technical topics that are either ‘hot’ or still under the radar.

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