Tag Archives: Resilient Design

BIG unveils a floating city of the future

As part of United Nations (UN)-Habitat’s new urban agenda, Oceanix, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Ocean Engineering, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), and partners have proposed the world’s first resilient and sustainable floating community for 10,000 residents, called Oceanix City.

The first UN high-level roundtable on Sustainable Floating Cities brought together innovators, explorers, marine engineers, and scientists … Continue reading BIG unveils a floating city of the future

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Building codes save lives in massive Alaska earthquake: ICC

The 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Anchorage, Alaska, in November 2018 highlights the importance of building codes in saving lives, protecting property, and contributing to a rapid post-disaster recovery. According to a statement by the International Code Council (ICC), the earthquake did not result in any collapsed buildings, widespread damage to infrastructure, or loss of life, partially due to the strong building codes the state adopts.

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