Tag Archives: Resilient Flooring

Article on sustainable resilient flooring specifications featured in ebook

When specifying flooring, one should consider both sustainability and performance. They are not mutually exclusive, but rather completely integrated. Both are affected by the material science that goes into the product: How are they constructed? Where do the materials come from that make these products? These factors not only contribute to the sustainability of the flooring, but how it performs.

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Best practices for specifying resinous flooring systems

There are two flooring chemistries that have both existed in the United States for more than 15 years but are rarely specified relative to their epoxy counterparts. Urethane cements and methyl methacrylate (MMA) have already been established as viable resinous flooring solutions for a variety of challenges. Urethane cements are one of the best solutions for resisting thermal shock from steam, grease, and other hot contaminants, while MMA can accept a fresh topcoat at any future time without requiring any mechanical preparation.

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