Tag Archives: restroom

Minimizing hospital infections starts in the restroom

Healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) occur in every type of healthcare facility and can be spread in various ways. These infections are caused by a number of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Hospital water systems and bathrooms can be ideal places for germs to breed. However, through smart restroom design and strategic specification of fixtures, healthcare facilities can minimize the spread of infection-causing pathogens.

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Faucets: Other green aspects

In the past, faucets were not a primary focus of water efficiency advocates, given the 1992 Energy Policy Act (EPAct) and subsequent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) actions limited faucet flows to 8.3 L/minute (2.2 gallons per minute [gpm]) at 414 kPA (60 psi).

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