Tag Archives: Restrooms

Restroom privacy and sensible construction

New transgender access legislation has transformed privacy from a trend to more of a permanent expectation across a range of building types, from Class A offices to high schools. There are five key categories of restroom privacy solutions, spanning from traditional partitions to single-user individual toilet rooms.

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California convention center modernizes facility with touch-free products

The Pasadena Convention Center is a premier meeting and events venue nestled in the heart of Pasadena, California. Built in 1931, the nearly 50-year-old conference center building was in need of some upgrades—including the restrooms. The solution was a full suite of touch-free products, such as sinks, faucets, soap dispensers, hand dryers, and sensor flushometers for water closets and urinals.

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The future is touch-free

With the COVID-19 pandemic creating a heightened sensitivity to proper hand sanitation, it is more important than ever to implement solutions that mitigate potential health risks in public environments. When one takes into account the fact thousands of users go in and out of public restrooms each day, ‘high-touch’ faucet and flushometer handles can be breeding grounds for bacteria. To combat these concerns, touch-free products—from motion-activated door sensors and light switches to touch-free faucets and flushometers—are being installed across all areas of the commercial restroom.

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