Tag Archives: sealant

Prolonging concrete pavement life

A concrete pavement’s longevity of can be affected by several factors, including the design and construction of the transverse joint. Research was recently conducted to determine what conditions will influence the performance and life cycle cost of a sealed pavement joint.

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Durability of elastomeric sealants

Sealant is used in the exterior joints of every modern building, but usually incorrectly. Owners have high expectations for performance and durability, but premature sealant failure is common, resulting in air and water infiltration, property damage, and expensive repair work.

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Inspect the Substrate!

Our March 2013 article, “Using Pre-cured Sealants in Construction Applications,” written by Jason Bakus, resulted in a letter to the editor from Gerald “Jerry” Zakim, CSI Emeritus.

Zakim, who has written for The Construction Specifier’s Failures column, e-mailed his comments:

With interest, I read Jason Bakus’ March article and its advocacy for the material’s use adhered to residual sealant. Since it is a given, in all … Continue reading Inspect the Substrate!

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