Tag Archives: sprayfoam

Next-gen sprayfoam systems: Shifting to HFO blowing agents

The push toward HFO-based sprayfoam blowing agent technology is the latest step in an ongoing evolution to phase out the use of chemicals known to harm the ozone and climate. In addition to reducing the negative Earth impacts of sprayfoam insulation and roofing materials, there are also product performance and installation considerations. This article will explain the blowing agent shift and why it matters to those considering the specification of sprayfoam for both insulation and roofing applications in commercial building projects.

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Insulating commercial facilities against dangerous radon gas

Since radon is naturally present outside, we all breathe it in daily in low levels. However, when the gas is inhaled in higher levels, the substance puts an individual at increased risk of developing lung cancer. In fact, research from the American Lung Association asserts radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., responsible for thousands of deaths each year.

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Importance of qualified SPF installers

Builders, architects, and specifiers have always demanded excellence in themselves, their materials, contractors, and subcontractors. Design professionals find success through various ways, from word of mouth to programs such as EnergyStar or Green Globes, or by seeking professionals certified in their given fields.

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